Prime Abilities: Intelligence and Charisma

Hit Points: 1d4 per Level, +1 after level 10

Combat Aptitude: Non-martial

Armour: None

Weapons: Dagger, staff

Necromancers are adventurers who study the arcane arts of death and the undead. Through this study, they have learned to raise the dead to follow their wishes.


Starting Equipment

Weapon (roll 1d6): 1-3. Dagger. 4-6. Staff.

Class Items. Ritual robes. A Book of Necromancy that they shall use to raise the dead.

Animate Dead

The Necromancer can perform a one-hour ritual to animate a corpse, spending Necropoints to create undead servants. The type of undead created depends on the number of Necropoints spent. The Necromancer can control a number of undead servants equal to their maximum Necropoints at any given time. If they exceed this limit, the oldest undead servant collapses into inert bones or flesh.

Necropoints: The Necromancer has a pool of Necropoints that determines how many undead servants they can create and control. The number of Necropoints is equal to half of the Necromancer’s level rounded up.

Creating Undead: The Necromancer can spend Necropoints to create the following types of undead:

The undead servant remains under the Necromancer’s control until destroyed, dispelled, or dismissed. The Necromancer can dismiss an undead servant at any time, freeing up the Necropoints used to create it.


Ritual Requirements: The ritual requires a Book of Necromancy and a corpse or skeletal remains of the appropriate type of undead being raised. The ritual takes one hour to complete and requires the Necromancer to remain undisturbed.

Undead Servant Stats: Undead servants use the standard statistics for their type, as found in the OSE rules or bestiary. The Necromancer can issue mental commands to their undead servants within 60 feet. If the Necromancer is incapacitated or out of range, the undead servants act according to their nature (e.g., mindless Skeletons and Zombies may stand idle, while Ghouls or Wights may act independently). If the Necromancer dies, the undead servants are destroyed.

Example:Level 7 Necromancer (4 Necropoints) could raise four Skeletons, two Ghouls, or one Wight and one Skeleton.